Brief, dass ich zu viel verdient habe?
Hallo, Ich bekomme dauernd Briefe von der Arbeitsagentur, dass ich zu viel verdient habe und das zurückzahlen muss. Ich bin Schülerin und mache nebenbei einen Minijob. Ich habe maximal 350€ mal verdient also bin auch nicht über die Minijob Grenze gekommen.
Ich beziehe keine Leistungen von ihnen. Ich wohne noch bei meinen Eltern. Beide gehen nun seit einigen Monaten wieder arbeiten. Anfang des Jahres haben meine Eltern Leistungen bezogen, wegen eines Jobwechsels. Für etwa 3 Monate… In der Zeit habe ich aber nichts verdient. trotzdem kam so ein Brief in einem Monat wo ich nur 2 Stunden gearbeitet hatte.
woran liegt das ?
Hey, you can only guess here. The responsible specialist would have to give me a phone number. Your parents are supposed to call there and clarify this, let’s make sure that the letter comes from them. It could also be fraudulent, where you’ll overwhelm your money. Today everything is possible. Also apply to your employer who made the payroll. Maybe there was an error in the data transmission. You’re not getting smarter here because nienand knows the details here.
When it comes to civic money, you’ve actually automatically related what.
Whether your income can be calculated cannot be assessed on the basis of your information.
But I get myself for the months where my parents have already been working were such letters. So where we don’t pay any more
That alone doesn’t mean anything.
Please contact a local consultancy office so that someone can look at the letters.
Someone must control the period of service, the rate of pay, the level and the calculation.
This is not possible here.
The employment agency says you deserve too much and have to pay back money. You’re a pupil and merit in your mini-job at most 350 euros a month, so under the mini-job limit. You don’t get any benefits from the employment agency, but your parents got them at the beginning of the year for three months. You had no income in that time. Nevertheless, you get letters, even for months when you almost deserve nothing. That could be a mistake, and you want to know why that happens.
“Ai generated letter”:
Subject: clarification of the repayment request due to allegedly excessive income
Ladies and gentlemen,
I have received several letters from you in which I was informed that I must repay due to an allegedly too high income. Because I’m a student and, by the way, I’m only doing a mini job where I earn a maximum of 350 euros per month, I don’t understand these requests.
I myself do not relate to services from the employment agency and live with my parents. Both parents have been working again for a few months, but at the beginning of the year they have received benefits for about three months. In this time, however, I did not achieve income. Nevertheless, I received a letter referring to a month in which I worked only two hours.
Since I did not come across the merit limit of a mini-job and do not relate to any services from you, I assume that there is a mistake here. I therefore ask you to review the matter and to give me a clarification.
For a timely feedback, I thank you in advance.
With kind regards,
[Your name]
The minijob limit is at 538,-€ all that is above, is not a minijob
Yes, as I said, I’ve never reached this limit. Up to 350€ or so