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Was esst ihr gerne?
hey:) ich hab am Donnerstag kochen und weiß leider nd was ich kochen oder backen kann; also was esst ihr so gerne haha 🙂
Wieviel ist gesund?
Hallo , wieviel Gramm Kartoffeln darf man am Tag essen habe 800 Gramm heute gegessen fürs zunehmen
Ist meine Ernährung ungesund eurer Meinung nach?
Bin gerade dabei zu versuchen mich besser und gesünder zu ernähren Ja die muffins haben es bisschen kaputt gemacht weil will eigentlich nichz mehr so viel Zucker essen aber hatte halt 2 in der Schule und dann noch 2 wührend dem Tag und die sind klein
If there wasn’t a dog pile, nothing. The digestive tract is pretty good at killing germs. I also eat strawberries freshly picked directly from the beet, tomatoes or currant – without washing them. There are probably germs everywhere, I’ve never been sick of it.
Watching helps. Visible dirt can be removed, or then do not eat the pulp. It’s all right, then “Good appetite.”
Rapid testing by food poisoning
No fun
Coming to the ground
What diseases can you get
If you touch a door pawl or anything else, there are bacteria everywhere. There are millions of bacteria on your skin. Every person. With every breath you breathe germs. When you touch a dog or a cat, do you think there are no germs?
You seem to have a pronounced phobia.
As a rule, there is no cook. Unless the soil was really extremely germinated or filled with toxins.
If there is no completely ground with machine oil or anything else happened garnix…
Nothing. Incidentally, the nature of the soil depends on whether I would eat it.
If she falls on the floor in the apartment, there is no problem at all.
If you bite them, they don’t have to be thrown away!
To 99.99 % nothing but nothing.
Probably nothing. Depends on how much dirt there is. You should not eat your food from the ground in general – no question. But a falling piece has hardly hurt.
Depends on the soil condition.
What can you get
If you’re buzzing a crush. If you don’t get hungry.
You’ll get tuberculosis and an anal fist.
Then she’s gone.
Nothing… if there weren’t any dog piles on the floor, where the Breze fell in… or ankle-high dirt.
How old are you? You could ask Mutti, too….
What’s the matter with the kids today? We used to feed dirt from the sandbox and didn’t get sick.
Nothing – used to be said silly.
Or “Fucking makes bacon.”