Bretter wieder zusammenkleben?

Hi, kann man ein Brett, welches sich in der Mitte gespaltet hat, wieder zusammen kleben? Also so, das es dann das Gewicht wie von dem Brett eines Lattenrostes aushalten würde? Möchte ungern ein neues kaufen…

Falls ja, mit welchem Kleber kann ich die kleben? Würde auch Heißklebepistole gehen? Oder auch alternativ Holzleim?

Würde mich sehr über antworten freuen

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5 months ago

Solid wood can generally be glued well. You take white glue. Ponal is probably the best known.

Properly glued, the glued place stops more after hardening than the rest.

Do you have a picture of this?

5 months ago

If these are glued properly, the glue holds better than the wood fibers. The only question is whether the gap is properly compressed. Wood glue and a few screw clamps. From several directions.

5 months ago

if you mean the bed frame and that is made of pressspan then is no, then only with solid wood then wood glue take e.g. Polal (white bottle)

5 months ago

If it’s crossed, you can’t glue it. Turn it off with the first or last of the grate.

then glue a latte with approximately the same thickness below the broken, about 40 cm long.

5 months ago

Better buy a new bed at Ikea or so there are also nice cheap 😊