Brennen untenrum?
Ich habe manchmal so ein brennen beim wasserlassen meist nur frühs wenn ich so 5:00-6:00 mal pinkeln muss das ich nichtmehr einschlafen kann weil es die ganze Zeit durchgängig brennt hab mich schon vorsichtshalber mit kadefungin3 behandelt weil ich dachte es könnte vielleicht ein Pilz sein da ich zu dem brennen manchmal einen Juckreiz spüre aber ich denke das war es nicht sonst wäre es ja weg zum Frauenarzt kann ich erstmal nicht weil ich noch keinen habe und gerade 2 Monate noch auf meinen Termin warten muss hat jemand Tipps wie ich zumindestens das Brennen lindern kann? Es ist nur an der Stelle wo der Urin rauskommt sag ich mal
Then you probably have a bladder infection. If it’s just easy, you can help me with bubble tea if it’s stronger go to your pediatrician and let your urine examine, then you’ll probably get an antibiotic.
Thanks for the tip but this has been like this for a month and only from time to time only early and it does not burn in the bubble
Just go to the family doctor. The urine tests also take idR not long, most have test strips in practice. Such a bladder infection can draw if it is not treated. Bubble inflammation usually does not hurt in the bladder, it is called urinary path infection, the inflammation can also affect only your lower urinary tract.
Of course, it doesn’t have to be that it’s a bladder infection, it only sounds strong for me. I used to have this soo often, so I can sing a song about it 😄 Do you have the feeling of sitting on the toilet because it’s better?
You better go today. I had a renal pelvic inflammation and believe me, you don’t want it! All good 🍀
Jaa exactly that I have also then I really need to go to the doctor before I get a kidney pussy
If you have vaginal complaints, it can also burn when watering. You should always have the bubble examined. It can be the same as you have a vaginal infection. Maybe you’ve got a refreshment through zb. detergent you do not wear. If the mucous membranes are irritated, you can regularly sample rinsings with, for example, cold camomile tea. You can also take lactic acid bacteria.
Go to the doctor this is the best