Bremsschlauch defekt?

Hallo, ich wollte vorhin losfahren um meine kleine Schwester ab zu holen, doch bin nicht weiter als 20 Meter gegangen, merkte das die brems Pedale etwas zu leicht ist und Geräusche aus rechte Seite kommen, die eigentlich nicht da sind.

hin und her geschaut, gemerkt das die vordere bremsschaluch einen leck hat, sobald man auf die Bremse drückt, kommt eine Flüssigkeit raus.

hatte jemand schon sowas? Wie viele würde die Reparatur ungefähr kosten?

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9 months ago

Well, a hose costs about 20 to 50 euros.

For security reasons, I’d make both sides back and up.

If all screws are running it should be done in an hour

9 months ago

If it is a hose then it is relatively favorable if the screw connection is not completely rusted. The hoses sometimes cost less than 10 euros, depending on the vehicle or manufacturer. And it’s done in a few minutes. If it is the metal brake line then it will become more expensive, because the time is much greater. Brake ventilation must be made in both cases.

You can no longer drive to the workshop, because if the crack in the hose is there, it can quickly become bigger, with a full braking, there is a tremendous pressure. At least you should hold the handle of the hand brake well and not let go.

However, if it is so far that the hydraulic leak is then the rest of the lines will no longer be new, you should make a visual inspection of all lines and possibly also replace them. You only have to replace the brake fluid and vent the brakes once.