Bremssattel: Shimano MT200 oder BR-M315?
Hallo zusammen,
Ich muss mich zwischen Bremssattel Shimano MT200 oder BR-M315 entscheiden und weiß nicht welcher besser ist. (Ich weiß nicht, ob die sich überhaupt unterscheiden) Was meint ihr denn? 🙂
Hallo zusammen,
Ich muss mich zwischen Bremssattel Shimano MT200 oder BR-M315 entscheiden und weiß nicht welcher besser ist. (Ich weiß nicht, ob die sich überhaupt unterscheiden) Was meint ihr denn? 🙂
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It is externally the same brake caliper, only that the 315er has got a slightly more beautiful surface finish.
Whether the material of the pistons differs somewhat, I cannot judge right now. In the case of the low price difference, I doubt it and even more doubt it makes a noticeable difference in practice.
I think you can take the 200. Then you better put the saved money in a somewhat higher-quality venting set.
Thank you. I had a new MT200 on it, but unfortunately they broke. (In case of easy pressing of the brake crank, one has made a “click” and has also seen mineral oil in the area. I don’t think it’s worth repairing this because I get from someone brand new BR-M315 brake caliper for 10€.
Thank you again!🙂
Ah, then the question was more whether you can connect the 315s to the 200s.
Yeah, you can.
Just note that the brake must be vented once the hydraulic system has been separated and reconnected. The olive at the end of the line is also a single-use part and is separated.
Hopefully, the fact that the brake disc and brake pads must be far from the range of possible sprayers is also obvious.
So I find the complete brakes are so cheap to have, I would always take them flat and not just the individual brake saddles. What do you have when you mount everything and 1 1/2 years later one of the levers will leak?
For orientation, these are the cheapest brakes that Shimano offer at all made in China somewhere, since you can simply not expect a long service life.
That’s why I would upgrade to the DEORE BR-M6100 with the same Servo-Wave brake lever transmission as the more expensive Deore XT!) consider, which is better for classes, that is good money. disc brake 2689559?article_size=6067139&product_shape=42
These are both cheap shots that can be leaked.