Bremslicht leuchtet dauerhaft?
Hallo, ich hatte letztens mit meiner Aprilia sx 125 einen kleiner rutscher und jetzt leuchtet mein Bremslicht dauerhaft. Es sind optisch keine Schäden zu sehen die das auslösen könnten. Hat jemand eine Idee was es sein könnte ?
need to measure where the damage is,the brake light switch can also be permanently on one
Check the cables that go to the brake light, whether the insulation is slightly damaged somewhere and so the cable is standing at a metal part.
Or you bent the foot brake lever so that it brakes quite easily permanently.
Describe your little slider a little bit more.
the foot brake lever is not bent at all and when the cables are insulated, I could not discover anything. I stayed in the track at about 10kmh and slipped away about 2m
Try to put both brake light switches one after the other. Then you already know rough where the mistake lies