Bremse mit Centerlock umrüsten?

Hi ich habe ein 2021 Carbondale Habit 5 , an diesem ist leider nur die Shimano MT200 verbaut.

die Bremsscheibe ist mit centerlock befestigt.

hat jemand Tipps oder eine Liste was ich alles bei der Umrüstung auf die Magura MZ5 bzw. Magura Trail sport benötige.

Scheiben aktuell 180/180

neue sollten 203/180 werden.

benötige natürlich:

  • die Bremse als set v/h
  • 2 Scheiben
  • adapter für die Scheibe vorne auf 203mm

und weiter ?

vielen Dank im Voraus !

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3 years ago


Nothing else

Make sure your fork/frame is released for 203mm discs again!

The brake discs do not matter, you can use your centerlock to drive all possible brakes and…

Why do you want to change the window in the back? If it’s okay, you can keep the brake disc in the back. If a maximum of 180mm is released at the front, you can also keep the pane at the front, in the case you also save the adapter.

Actually, you just need to buy the new brakes.

3 years ago
Reply to  Swagvin26

This is an “old story”, see no problem! With the very old 4 hole recording, there were problems to adjust the brakes, since 6 hole recording & Centerlock is over. If the brake discs are still very good, I would try this if necessary to set brakes, will work!

2 years ago

There are centerlock panes from Magura that fit as they arrive on the hub, just hold the lock ring.There are also all magura panes with 6 holes,but you ignore that for the first time.Simply a magura centerlock pane with 203mm (and if you also need the other size) buy and rob