Breitere Reifen als eingetragen?

Ich wollte mal fragen ob ich da ich bald bei meinem Motorrad Reifen wechseln lassen muss auch einen größeren nehmen kann als eingetragen. Ich meine damit nicht illegal sondern ob ich das umtragen lassen kann. Zur Zeit sind 130er bei einer 125er verbaut und ich hätte gerne 150er oder 160er. Der Preis in der Kategorie ist gleich desswegen würde ich auch direkt größere aufziehen lassen.

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5 years ago

You can only drive what’s registered. Only the vehicle manufacturer can confirm you more. The rim and the freedom must give this. Tire manufacturers also confirm that. Then this goes only through a decrease at the TÜV.

5 years ago
Reply to  NexusZockt

Who is this?

5 years ago

It’s just what’s released. Everything else must be entered with a single withdrawal. Don’t pay in my eyes.

But much more important is that the curling winder with wide tires can be quite miserable.
So if you really think about it, that thing is there to drive and not to watch!

5 years ago

before talking to the fool what he tells you would be an ABE if there is one

5 years ago

If you need an expert report. But what are you doing?

This probably doesn’t fit into the swing…

5 years ago
Reply to  NexusZockt

Right, a 150’s is soooooo much better. Just drive the 130s and be happy or buy something else…

5 years ago
Reply to  NexusZockt

Oh, you don’t drive with it, it doesn’t matter if you admire it in the garage. 😂

5 years ago

Accessories and spare parts must have an ABE for this model.

5 years ago
Reply to  NexusZockt

What’s going on? AGeneral Betriebs Erlaubnis heard?

5 years ago

Do you allow the tyres (and suitable rims) for the motorcycle?

5 years ago
Reply to  NexusZockt

If the tires have no registration for the vehicle, you will not get it so easily entered, if necessary. About an expensive individual removal and, if necessary, modifications to the vehicle.