Brauner ausfluss trotz pille?
Guten Morgen
Gestern Abend habe ich bemerkt das ich einen sehr hellen braunen Ausfluss bekommen habe. Gestern kam so ein kleiner brauner nicht so dunkler Schleimfaden raus und nachdem nur noch so hellbrauner Ausfluss aber nicht schleimig. Ich nehm die Pille ohne Pause ich habe Angst das ich schwanger bin. Ist das normal oder sollte ich mir sorgen machen? Heute habe ich das nicht es ist wieder weg.
Hello, if you don’t want to answer your question for whatever reason, I’ll just do it.
What you describe here is typical, quite normal and not worrying for pill users in the long cycle. I usually take my pill through (usually a 6-month package) and have already made the observations that you describe here more often.
This is cervical mucosa mixed with parts of “dead” mucosa. Often, one of the bodies simply wants to “let’s bleed again, my sweetness!”, no more. SCHWANGES you can’t be in the long cycle at any rate (correct pill intake). – Greetings, Imke =)
This little gland is No Signs of pregnancy. The long cycle is the most secure thing you can do.
Now I don’t know if you take an estrogen-free pill (which you always have to take through) or a combined pill in the long cycle instead of the conventional type with 21 pills and then 7 days break.
If you take an estrogen-free pill, then there is the possibility to stopper an intermediate bleeding by taking two instead of one pill a few days a day. Look into the package leaflet how to do it. Just as a hint, because if the lubrication bleeding is gone, you don’t need it.
If you take a combined pill in the long cycle, you can just take a few days off (at least 4, at most 7) and let it bleed once.