Braune Flecken aus polo hemd rausbekommen?
Weiß jemand, wie ich diese Flecken rausbekommen kann? Ich hab schon gefühlt alles probiert (Waschbenzin/ an die sonne hängen lassen/ mehrmaliges waschen). Sie sehen aus wie Schweißflecken aber sie waren nach dem Waschen aufeinmal da🤷🏼♂️
These are deodorants. You can try it with a special remover for deospots.
But I know that this is difficult and often doesn’t work.
You shouldn’t bleach the shirt, then the collar turns out.
after washing it had once been one and I think I remember that something was broken with the washing machine or grate water came into the laundry
Bleach, the shirt is just white.
– Oh, yeah. treat with stain salt beforehand, then wash again?