Bräuchte ich Brille für mich?
Hallo ich wollte fragen ob ich eine Brille bräuchte wenn ich auf einem auge besser sehen kann als beim anderen mein linkes Auge sieht besser als mein rechtes Auge bräuchte ich dafür eine Brille aber ich kann gut sehen auf beiden Augen wenn ich mir eine Note geben würde dann für das linke eine 1 und das rechte eine 2 oder 2-
I also thought that I only look worse on one eye, but then it was found that even the other eye is less short-sighted.Because of the higher strength on the left eye, I always had to wear my glasses from the beginning.
How long have you been wearing them, and are you still wearing them?
Since school time and this has been a long time ago.And I’ve been wearing it ever since.
It’s easy to deal with a vision test. Goes very fast and does not hurt, so from the optician 😉
Take a visual test and let yourself be advised.
In order that the better eye does not take over the entire visual performance, the weaker eye would have to be compensated by a spectacle correction. Just wonder how much dioptrics your right eye has. At -0.25 it is certainly not necessary yet.
How long do you have to wear glasses?
For all situations where you want to see sharp enough.
There is no need, except when driving.
So I see everything sharp only when I can cover my left eye I can see well with the right but not so sharp