Braucht mein Vergaser ein Unterdruck Schlauch?

Ist das Loch beim ganz oberen Pfeil ein Loch für den Unterdruckschlauch? Wenn ja wo muss ich den Schlauch dann noch anschließen? Am Tank oder am Benzinschlauch ist kein Ventil dafür.

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1 year ago

The connection does not necessarily have to have a function. It can be that it is “blind”, i.e. has no connection to the interior, because for cost reasons, the same casting mold is simply used for different carburetor variants with or without negative pressure. If necessary, it is then drilled or simply left in the production. What’s the case with you, you can just notice by blowing in.

However, with regard to false air, I would think more about the defective seal on the intake manifold.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alex46789

Then this is the float chamber ventilation. This requires a connection to the ambient air so that there is no negative pressure.