Do you need Steam for PC games?

My boyfriend and I are currently arguing about whether Steam is needed for most PC games.

Well my friend says that there are many on Steam but you can also download them from other official sites and that games on CDs don't need Steam except for a few exceptions.

I think that Steam is actually the only official site where you can download PC games over the Internet and that about 95% of newly released PC games are available on Steam and that if you buy games on CD they usually also need Steam and are then saved on the Steam site/program.

Now I wanted to know from you which of these statements are true and which are not.

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6 years ago

There are many games that need Steam. But even individual publishers have similar launchers.

You need e.g. for EA games Origin and for games from Ubisoft Uplay etc.

6 years ago

Almost all games on Steam are available in a store where you can buy side or other gaming platforms.

6 years ago

You can also games. These games are all running without Steam.

6 years ago
Reply to  MarkusTheHero

Right, because there’s a lot of crap on Steam.

Triple A games are offered on GOG.

6 years ago

For this, the Gog games have the advantage that they are not bound to Gog in contrast to dne Steam titles that run without Portal Knast

5 years ago

portal knast is this the new portal?

5 years ago

Also the Steam Exclusive Games?

6 years ago

Peas counters

6 years ago

Then show the Tripple A games on GoG, apart from Witcher 3. Not even the Mafia games are Tripple A. Games like GTA 4 or 5 you will not find there. And games that need an online connection also run by GoG only in the GoG Launcher.

6 years ago

Many, though not all games are running today through a client like Steam, along with there is also Origin and the Launcher from Blizzard. Bethesta also uses a similar launcher, etc.

With the launchers, there are still disadvantages and often you will be forced to install a game.

The reason is, for example, that the manufacturer of these games wants to ensure the best possible internal networking and to keep you as a customer. (That’s what it’s all about, Grob)

5 years ago

Why is the debate in question here?