Braucht man für den Bereich Gynäkologie Realschulabschluss oder Abitur?
Fachrichtung der Medizin, die sich mit Frauenkrankheiten und Geburtshilfe befasst; Frauenheilkunde
Fachrichtung der Medizin, die sich mit Frauenkrankheiten und Geburtshilfe befasst; Frauenheilkunde
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Depends on: If you want to become a doctor, you need an Abi. I believe in Hebamme too. A real school degree is sufficient for doctoral helpers.
At the bottom of the line, what exactly There are different professional groups with different access requirements.
Here as Specialist in Gynaecology to be active, it takes a completed medical study plus the corresponding specialist training – the prerequisite here (some special routes excluded) is the Abitur.
Hebammes? Since now also academicized, at least the Higher education.
For a Training in nursing or MFA enough Real school leaving out.
As you want to study this, you need the general university maturity. In general, every profession where you are a doctor needs a study and this can only be done with general university maturity.
With a real school degree you will only be accepted under certain conditions (you are a miracle child) or with scholarship.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Medicine is still studied with an Abitur with one before the comma;)
After that, specialist training.
Okay, thanks. I was told
For medical studies,
to later act as a gynecologist,
love pride,
you need the general university maturity, the Abitur!