Braucht man einen Nähkurs(Nähmaschine)?


ich bin 13 Jahre alt M,ich möchte gerne nähen lernen also Kleider etc.Kann man es auch durch Videos sich selber beibringen.Da der nächste Nähkurs erst in 3 Monaten frei wäre.Ich würde mir auch erstmal eine Recht simple zulegen.In mehreren Artikeln habe ich gelesen das die W6 Nähmaschine N 1615

von Wertarbeit ganz gut sein sollte mit 10 Jahren Garantie.Was meint ihr?Selber beibringen oder warten?

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1 year ago

Actually, it’s not hard to work with a sewing machine. Most of them are the technology. So thread the upper thread and then also coil the lower thread and insert it.

Then you just need to sew. This is then relatively easy and you get safe with the videos. Then you have the cuts. There’s a fast way out of the bow.

Maybe you start and if you get too difficult, you can still take a course.

1 year ago

A course for the basics certainly makes sense.

You can learn a lot about videos. It’s not that easy if you’ve never been sewn out of panning.

If someone is in the household, who can sew it is perfect.

I’m always in hobbies to learn the basics with professionals.

You can then build a lot on it yourself and learn it yourself.

Only with murks and cramps often the joy of starting a hobby dies.

Good sewing results depend on good material. Something you like to underestimate as a beginner.
Get used to buying branded thread. Cheap thread slides badly, ties, travels and hedders. Don’t be nice either.

I personally find it very bad to have learned basics correctly, considering what substances and consumables cost.

I can’t say anything about the sewing machine in your question, because I don’t know them.

Have fun with your new hobby!

8 months ago


I had a course of sewing but if you read the instructions thoroughly, you can also learn it. I had a Carina Junior at the beginning, which is really great, still running for 10 years had no problems with it, it is not so loud when sewing. If you have a Karina, please put the tension on 4 but don’t turn around, that’s what a professional seamstress told me about the sewing machine course. I wish you a lot of fun sewing.

Greetings April

1 year ago

Hi I am also 13 and learned to sew a few years ago. Of course, you can also teach yourself with YouTube, but personally, a sewing course has helped me very much! Have fun with your sewing time:)

1 year ago

That’s not so cheerful. My grandma taught me back then. Handling the sewing machine is not so difficult. Look at YouTube or something.

1 year ago

With 13 years you can start sewing yourself using YouTube.

In a sewing course you learn more and faster and find friends with whom you can share your hobby.

Do you know the Youtube channel of Creamberry?

1 year ago

Make it self! I did, too, it’s so difficult. The instructions are mega easy, you just have to press the pedal 😂

1 year ago
Reply to  Hanniball49

I can confirm. I taught myself.