Braucht man eine Kite Lizenz WIRKLICH?
Hey ich möchte eine Kitekurs machen und der Trainer hat mir den 2 Tages Kurs empfohlen weil man da gleich die Kite Lizenz machen kann die man wohl unbedingt braucht um kiten zu können… eine Freundin von meinem Ex hat aber auch gekitet und brauchte dafür keine Lizenz in Kiel….. braucht man dafür WIKRLICH diese Lizenz? Und wenn ja, reicht das dann auch mit der Lizenz schon oder MUSS ich bis „Step 3“ wirklich gehen? Ich bin verwirrt …🥹🙈🙈🙈🙈
Without the appearance, you will not be able to borrow material; similar to surfing or sailing. because accidents may occur. Of course you can drive and practice on remote beaches.
I also see this in relation to Germany. Material is usually awarded only with existing appearance. This is even more understandable in schools that do not have a direct look at you, for example because they are in the country. Which level is required for the rental is different.
I have already had the experience abroad that schools are testing you something before they lend you material if you have no appearance or do not even ask.
I would distinguish between course and appearance. In my opinion, all the rules should be explained in a basic course. In the examination for the appearance these are ideally only queried. If you buy your own material after a course, you don’t really need the appearance. A basic course is sometimes divided into 2x4h or 3x3h.
Apparently, there are schools that do not explain the theory on the water by the way. Then, at least, the theory unit is useful, and perhaps you can learn it in another way.
Your question is a bit older, but perhaps my answer is also interesting for others.