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3 months ago

There are isolated providers who also accept without real credit card. The rule is not.

3 months ago

It’s bad to say if real credit cards or debit cards are better.

In hotels, debit cards always work. For car rental companies of >90% but there are also a few car rental companies, especially outside Europe, where only real credit cards work.

However, a real credit card is only useful if you have a relatively high amount of at least 3,000€ or better equal to 5,000€.

Because many banks give out real credit cards, but they set a very low amount of money from just €750 to €1,600, so you can’t do anything if you want to book a car rental €1,200. If you have only 750€, you can forget it completely, but also at 1,600€ if you have previously paid the flight or accommodation with the card.

3 months ago

If you have a rental car or a hotel bay, you have to deposit a deposit, i.e. on the account associated with the card, money is blocked that you cannot spend accordingly.

Blocked money on the current account can get you into trouble very quickly if, for example, direct debits are due or you want to buy yourself and pay with card.

Blocked money on the credit card doesn’t bother so much. It is therefore advantageous to use the credit card for this.

3 months ago

For car rental always (at high vehicle classes even several different). Some hotels make exceptions.

3 months ago

For a rental car already, for hotels not necessarily.

3 months ago

Of course they should be real.

3 months ago

If a KREDIT card is required, the DEBIT card does not use anything.

3 months ago

“Falsche” credit cards are of course recognized by the system.