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Yes, of course, like all “normal” travelers too.
However, there are two important differences:
1. The airlines have a department responsible for the issue of visas. You give off your passport and get it a few hours or days later incl. Visa back.
This will also be done if, for example, technicians need to work in a country subject to visa requirements, e.g. a few fan blades or an engine to change. People then need a working visa and that fast. The airline takes care of this.
Two. Almost all flight crews have a second passport, as some countries refuse entry if there are already certain entries in the RP.
Thus, Saudi Arabia does not allow entry with an Israeli visa.
Yeah, they need one if they want to leave the river. This is one of the problems with kidnappings: “You are now fleeing to Israel” “No, I cannot, I have no visa”
Thank you
Yes, at least for visa-only countries
I wouldn’t smoke the visa and stay with cigarettes
If you want to stay longer in the target country, maybe. It depends on the country.
smoke would not be useful
ups was a mistake
only if the grass is all