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1 year ago

NodeJS is only a JavaScript Runtime without a web browser.

For the Web Frontend development you will certainly need to have NodeJS installed on your PC. The Manger NPM package or also Frontend Libraries/Frameworks like React or Vue rely on NPM and NodeJS for the development environment for the construction of the project.

In addition to tools for development, you can also run backend programs or other things with NodeJS. Then you will develop software running with NodeJS. Backend programs would be less for Frontend developers. Also here you would have your JavaScript code. Libraries for e.g. a web server would come to this, which is rather unusual in the web browser.

The best preparation would be if you build a website with React, Vue or comparable and Typescript as a language. Then you will collect experience with NPM and also compiler, to the HTML/JavaScript files running in the browser at the end. NodeJS will also run in the background.

Depending on the company, your developer tools or Libraries/Frameworks are still thrown together. NodeJS and NPM will certainly remain loyal companions.

When searching for a front end location, you should also make sure that web technologies are used there. Some companies may also define the development for graphic desktop or smartphone programs as a frontend developer.

NodeJS is a JavaScript Runtime with Backend Focus. There is not much to learn. The more important are the tools that use NodeJS, such as NPM. Even if you don’t have to “learn” NodeJS is an important part of your frontend development.

1 year ago

It would be advantageous to collect at least a few basic knowledge of how to deal with Node.js and manage packages. It is not unusual that Node.js appears in the FE tool set of web projects.

In this context, tools like Browserify, rollup, webpack, etc. would be interesting. Simple path tools that serve the resource building and covenant.

1 year ago

Yes, it would be a lot of basics.

Look at Svelte. This is an ingenious framework that is super simple and leads to fast results.

1 year ago

No need