Braucht jedes Kind eine Mutter?
Meine Mama war während meiner Kindheut schwer krank, ist dann in meiner Jugend abgehauen. Mein Vater flüchtet bis abends in die Arbeit, während wir Kinder zu Hause sind. So gesehen habe ich keine richtige Familie. Und jetzt mit 17 merke ich erst, wie sehr mir meine Eltern fehlen. Ich suche ständig nach einer Mutterfigur oder einer Vaterfigur in Erwachsene Bezugspersonen (Lehrer zB). Das stört mich.
Ich hab das Gefühl, dass ich für immer ein Kind bleibe, weil meine kindlichen Bedürfnisse nach Fürsorge nicht beachtet wurden. Ich musste mich schon früh um vieles kümmern. Bin erst 17 und muss schon fast den ganzen Haushalt machen, weil meine Eltern weg sind.
Under such circumstances, children should not grow up and it is completely understandable that you feel neglected!
With therapeutic accompaniment, your feelings of sacrifice and your self-reality are regulated. So it means that the professional cares that you can really accept your neglect as such, but not sink into it. At the same time, attention is paid to your resources and how you can use them to strengthen you. I would recommend it to you!
Each child needs at least one parent.
Every child needs love and support.
I can imagine. my best friend didn’t change. Here it was the father, but due to the fact that the mother is flattened more or less by the grid, she had to go to work quite early so that the livelihood is secured. they and their little sister grew up more or less on their own.
Lg, Nicki
Every child needs a reference person. This role does not necessarily have to be fulfilled by a mother.
Need, no.
But I think it’s better for the child.
Therefore, we also make sure that we are there at any time for our child so that it does not have to do such things.
So the system is: mother and father as role models for their own children….always there, always for help.
As you know, it should be…