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There are people who come 4 weeks with a mini suitcase from 🤷🏼 ♀️
Is it a summer holiday?
Is it a winter holiday?
Is it outdoor or hotel?
Package or adventure?
Do you need underwear?
Do you need thick or thin clothes?
Do you need hygiene articcles or not?
4 weeks are not always 4 weeks
It’s about a promotion job. Quite normal stuff, not excessively much pullis or something, something like a wg, hygiene articles yes
Just try out
Since everyone is different
Not all men need such a xl case and not all women
You know what you want to take and then you’ll grab a suitcase where everything goes in
I can’t help you
I got my suitcases from my landlord
I’d have to order one on Amazon and I can’t imagine the size in real, so I’m asking what you think I should take.
I spent a maximum of 18 kg for snorkeling, including equipment for 14 days. That was all in my travel bag.
The same bag was just enough for 10 days vacation on the North Sea.
As you can see, the question cannot be answered at all. Target and activities determine the amount of clothing taken.
Please look briefly at my comment on the other answer, what would you like for a big one?
30 briefs, 15 bra’s, 30 pairs of socks, 15 shirts, 5 pants, 5 sweaters, 3 pairs of shoes, 2 jackets and the culture bag. Would fit into a normal big suitcase.
Thank you:)
Medium long… I always pack after the motto “if what is missing I buy it on site” and I rarely bought something.
Experienced traveler 👍🏼
so it is…
Yeah, well, he can give up after the motto.
Well, my answer wasn’t really helpful I think…