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4 years ago


So also a tinker can if he sweats need a sweat blanket. If he only sweats a bit under the saddle then you can also put an old (a blanket that is not so important to you) on it but not to make it so that it can fall down in the night. If his horse is sweating more then best take a sweating blanket with bulges as they keep overnight. If you take one without abdominal belts then the ceiling slips over night and the horse can get lost. That’s how the blankets are broken and the horse does when he’s fucking hurt.

But in general, it has nothing to do with the race whether a horse needs a sweater or not, but how strong he sweats or not 🙂

Hope my answer helps you:)

5 years ago

If the horse is not sweaty or only slightly sweaty, there is no need for sweating. Even if it has been very sweaty (is the case with my Felix when he has to work in winter fur), I pack the sweat blanket for 20min. In time, I’ll clear everything away (circle, carriage, plaster) and prepare the food. Then the ceiling comes down.

5 years ago

If the horse only sweats easily, the sweat blanket is not necessary. And please never leave for longer/night if the horse is wet/wet under there. The blanket is moist and the horse cools down.

5 years ago

No, not normally. It’s not wrong to own one. In the case of horses, for example, there are shock states in the case of injury and a blanket can already help. However, the ceiling goes out of the living room, then you have to watch yourself that it remains on the horse, whereas a horse blanket is so constructed that it is good on a standing horse.

Otherwise, a sweat blanket extends the sweat time. If that’s the goal that the horses after training still sweat a little, then clear, blanket on it. It is better to definitely leave the horse outdoors until the skin-close underskin is quite dry. In the case of horses that do not live outdoors anyway, they are usually dry. So that you don’t cool yourself when you have to wait, you can go up and down with the horse on your hand, that doesn’t sweat again. I would write, “how to learn,” but at some point the industry came to the funnel, to make blankets for horses, and since then nobody learns that.

Outside outdoors leave because there is neither heat store nor train outside, but wind that dries the horse quickly. If you let an open-plan horse, which is sweated wet, run, where the wind dries it quickly. There it turns even when it has the impression that now the other side is moaned. This can usually not be connected, which is why it takes a little longer. But normally, the thing is also done with the really wet sweated horse after 10 minutes. With blankets people do up to an hour, change the ceiling every 10 minutes and really dry the horse never gets. The industry is happy because they then sell several blankets for a single drying process and I am happy to do it somewhere because we create jobs, but I can imagine how it annoys the horses that know a few minutes wind and everything would be done and now they have to stand in the cross with the cloth.

There’s no way to leave such a blanket overnight.

5 years ago

Please don’t leave sweat blankets overnight. There are barn ceilings for that.

If he’s sweaty, a sweat blanket on it, you just have to go down

5 years ago

No horse needs a blanket, unless it is sworn or arranged by the veterinarian. It is only important that it comes home with calm breathing and does not stand through.

A sweaty horse is simply rubbed with straw, or if not present, with a large towel. A sweat blanket must be removed as soon as it is moistened!

Hunting riders don’t do anything. After training, they simply put away their horses, where there is no dry hair, and do not even rub them off. These horses aren’t getting sick…

Husten gets a horse more by too much dust and too little work.

5 years ago

No, he doesn’t.

And a sweat blanket is just meant for sweating! Does he sweat strong? Don’t sound like that. Not anyway.

And not at all overnight – after approx. 20 minutes the ceiling is “sweetened”. A wet sweat blanket is ice cold! She’s getting wet, right. Otherwise, the risk of your horse getting sick.

5 years ago

We also have a tinker with a lot of plush. If she sweated in the evening after work, I’ll let her roll either in the hall or I’ll put her on a sweat blanket for 10 minutes after drying. Right after riding, I wouldn’t do it because she always sweats and gets her too warm with the blanket. I wouldn’t leave the ceiling overnight. On the one hand, the blanket is moist and the horse cools out and on the other: when the blanket is dried again at some point, it becomes too warm to the horse.

5 years ago

I wouldn’t leave the sweat blanket overnight because it might get warm in the night if the horse sweats I’ll leave the sweat blanket up about 15 minutes.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sindi447

Even vice versa – the ceiling is fully absorbed not warm but ice cold.

5 years ago
Reply to  Punkgirl512

That’s clear. That meant the blanket without the horse sweating to give up.