Braucht ein Hamster einen Salzleckstein?
Wir haben vor kurzen einen gebrauchten Hamsterstall mit ein paar Spielzeugen und einrichtingssachen gekauft. Dabei war auch ein Salzleckstein. Wir haben ihn vorsorglich rausgenommen aber brauchen Hamster sowas?
No, they don’t need leaks. They damage the kidneys.
Okay Thank you for the answer
No, and they shouldn’t get it.
From what material is the cradle, and how large is the floor area?
It is 1 meter 70 and about half a meter wide. it is also two-storey
Okay, if you have not included in your details the floor is very good =)
Thanks for the answer
By the way, the cage is made of plastic at the bottom (the larger part) of metal rods
Wrong attitude, both toxic to Hamster. I would recommend you to look for broken aquariums on EBay classifieds, then buy 2 100×50 aquariums and then connect them. If the aquariums are defective, they are delivered for a reasonable price between 0-50€, but are still suitable for hamsters
Veterinarians rarely have any idea of a kind attitude… especially at Nagern this is a problem… “they are small, so they don’t need so much space”… unfortunately wrong. 1 square meter should be in, and that only counts as a base area (plants NOT, which a hamster does not need). Plastic as well as the grating is poisonous for the hamster, the grating is painted with poisonous paint, and plastic is now simply poisonous, and since hamster is all annoying this is a No Go.
If in general there were so much bad products in the enclosure, you should check this:
Is there anything else plastic in the cage?
Is pinewood in the cage?
Does the hamster have a multi-chamber house?
Has the Hanster at least. 30cm in the cage?
Is Hamsterwatte in the cage?
Does the hamster have many hiding options from e.g. porcelain, bitkenwood, hazelnut etc…?
Does the Hanster have a big sand bath?
Does the hamster have a running RAD (no running plate) with a diameter of at least 28cm?
If all this is done, the facility is already great.
But, as I said, get the hamster some kind of cage. If you take a defective aquarium from EBay, it is usually almost free. And if the facility isn’t right, please take care of it. Good products that are not overpriced can also be found on ebay, jail or getzoo.
And if you didn’t know yet: the food from shops is absolutely unhealthy to harmful for the hamster, and can also be fatal. You can find suitable food for food paradies, fodder crows or mixerma, even tasty should you not feed from such shops under any circumstances
So, anyway, a well-known veterinarian said that’s what I’m saying.