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Kris, UserMod Light
2 years ago

For what? I’m in S-Bahn and regional trains against 1st grade. Only rarely are passengers there, and usually only when the rest of the train is well filled. In the 1st class, the number of passengers per area is significantly smaller, while the seats do not differ effectively.

If, in the future, more people are to go along in regional transport, it is necessary to have more capacity. The abolition of the 1st class is a simple and quick-to-use option where no new trains, tracks or platforms need to be built.

2 years ago

It only makes it more complicated. And honestly, you should get rid of it in the trains. Each place should be pleasant enough that you can travel relaxed there.

2 years ago

In trains, the first class is only space-consuming. Trains are often full and the space is missing. To get rid of it

2 years ago

Tram and bus with the first class? I’ve never seen that before, is there a place with this offer?

2 years ago

I’d use it back and forth.

As always to use the car, otherwise the train and bus find much too full and uncomfortable

2 years ago

I don’t. I always go first class 🚗

2 years ago

Wouldn’t do anything. The buses and trains are so crowded at peak times that people are forced to go to the first class.

2 years ago

Is the first class faster?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack98765


2 years ago

Unnecessary waste of space

2 years ago

Too expensive!