Brauchen Wellensittiche Küken Licht?Darf ich den Kasten eine längere Zeit offen lassen?Brauchen sie auch Küken Futter?

Hallo ich hätte eine Frage. Wir haben zwei Wellensittiche.Diese zwei haben schon zwei Eier bekommen und sind schon geschlüpft. Eine davon hat schon etwas Fell und eine nicht. Sie beide sitzen in ihren Brüten Kasten. Ihre Mutter geht oft rein und gibt oft essen. Hat schon jemand Erfahrung und weiß was ich noch machen kann? Die beiden haben innen kein Licht. Brauchen sie Licht ?

Darf ich den Kasten Deckel von oben etwas länger offen lassen ?

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3 years ago

You don’t have to do anything.

The chicks are supplied by the parents, especially the hen.

A separate feed is not necessary.

Light in the nest box even harmful.

But you should be old Read the book (at least before 1980) for shaft breeding and remember its contents.

There you will find all your further questions answered and you will also find a lot more interesting about the waves.

This is necessary so that there is no further miscarriage, as now, in which the breeding conditions at the front and rear do not vote.

Shaft parakeets regularly attract 5 to 7 healthy, fully flying young birds.

Often more than less.

Therefore, each breeding with less than 4 young birds is already considered to be maltreating.

In addition, you are currently violating the provisions of the German Animal Protection Act.

This requires every waveform holder, just from every waveform breeder, that he has the necessary expertise for his activity.

Please take this note seriously, because ignorance or ignorance does not protect against sensitive punishment by the legislator.

I wish you a happy hand for your waves.

Best regards


– skilled in the art –

3 years ago

Let the bird killers handle it. And no they need no light. They don’t have that in nature!

3 years ago

Leave the box alone! The boys are fed by the parents.

3 years ago
Reply to  Goldstueck811

A bird already has something “Fell”… if the FS’in even knows what wellis are for animals?

3 years ago
Reply to  Deichgoettin

That’s all right.