Brauchen Ratten Einstreu?
Ich wollte Mal fragen ob Ratten unbedingt Einstreu brauchen. Mir wurde nämlich erzählt das man auch einfach Teppich, Handtücher oder Belag reinlegen kann und kein Einstreu braucht. Darum wollte ich nun wissen ob das richtig ist. Da ich meinen Ratten natürlich nicht schaden will.
Hello, good litter is just more hygienic. Fleece or towels start to smell urine very quickly because they cannot bind the ammonia. Scatter is also better for rats, in which they can bud and search for food. Feed bowls are too boring with rats. The best way is to scatter the grain mix in the litter and then search for it. An exception are very old or sick animals.
You can certainly also keep rats on the above options, but I would offer them at least on one floor of litter or the like. With me, that was so that I hadn’t been very well informed about the ground floor before and so I had it initially on fleece blankets.
Then I learned quite quickly that this is not so optimal and made me look for good inspiration. But since rats can quickly get problems from wrong or dusty litter, I had them until I found a proper litter, up on Fleece and downstairs I had coconut fibers and earth inside. They, of course, always made everything dirty with their dirty feet and the mixture always had to remain slightly moist, otherwise it was dusting. But it has made them mighty fun to budble and some paints have also started to sprout any undermined grains.
MfG Sky
Thank you, could you recommend a litter?
And if we’re degrees you seem to have a lot of experience. Do you happen to have a good dry food for rats? I have already sorted out a few but none really found yet
Hello! I can recommend the linen of bunny and the Hemperade Hanfeinstreu. I don’t like paper flakes, it’s getting wet and mudy.
As a grain mixture, I can recommend the “color rat base mixture” of Mixerama. Have already tried a few brands and they liked it! Best to try yourself 🙂
For further questions, you can always write to me.
MfG Sky
Hello 🙋
Towels, fleece blankets or carpets are better for the lungs of rats (because they are not too dusty), but they also stink relative fast.
Scattering what dusts (thus scatter of wood) should only be used in the toilets and on a maximum of one floor. Otherwise only cover ect.
I once tried only one litter (paper litter/cotton steu, scatter which is not dusty at all and on one floor to use normal scatter (no pet scatter but dusty hemp litter)) and that worked very well. Since then, I’ve only done this because it doesn’t smell much more.
You should run slowly because all rats don’t handle it.
I plan to work only with wood and earth on at least one floor (as soon as I am healthy again). This is something new for the little ones.
If you have the rats a little longer and know their daily feed, you can also sprinkle the feed. This is much more appropriate and employs the little ones.
Good dry food is definitely NOT found in zoo shops or normal online shops, but only in shops that specialize in certain animal species (does not know how to describe 🥲). For example, Shorty’s, Mixerama, Food Paradies or Feed Brewery.
Good and cheap litter is actually everywhere. It is important that it is NO small animal litter.
I use mainly Hemperade Hanfstreu, Petlife Savebed paper flakes (there are other types) and cotton fleece (Z.b by Hugro or Multifit). I always buy everything at Zooplus.
Thank you, this is great
Hey, so I don’t think it’s absolutely necessary to sprinkle the whole cradle with litter, but it’s very important to provide a box, or the bottom floor as a buddel option, I prefer to use coconut earth (of course unfertilized!). You can also take normal litter, a lot of time-snipsel or similar 🙂 If you still have to ask question nac, Lg:D
Well, most of the rodents I’ve met so far, they’ve been moaning over the uring tank.
Presumably, a carpet is not the best solution, but actually scattered.
Hi, I own 4 rats and in my household would be totally wrong because it costs a lot more time to get the stall out with litter… I personally use old patch carpets the wash I once in the week and since I have twice as many as I need it goes perfectly with the washing. Carpet I can only recommend for me makes too much dirt and I do not notice a strong smell.