Brauchen Farbmäuse ein wärmelicht?

Hallo, mir ist vorhin aufgefallen das eine Farbmaus von mir etwas gezittert hat. Mein erster Gedanke natürlich das Ihr kalt ist. Die Farbmäuse sind 12 Wochen alt und leben in einer Fünfer Gruppe. Benötige Ich für die kleinen eine Wärmelampe?
danke im voraus.

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1 year ago

Hi! Experience has shown that colour sluices need a living room temperature of 20°-24°, because they would get really fast. I might check the room temperature and at best turn the heating up a little. I don’t think that a heat lamp would necessarily help, maybe they would even burn or would be confused. I think sometimes zitten colour mice also because they are afraid (I am not a veterinarian or similar, please correct if I am completely wrong!) But I think you’re gonna get this all under control when you realize that all the same mouse is shaking, I’d watch her a bit and maybe let the veterinarian check it out. I wish you good luck and hope I could somehow help you!

1 year ago

That’s what she’d just mess up about day and night, and maybe still burn, depending on how close it is.

Just keep the room warm, buy an additional heating if it must be.

1 year ago
Reply to  SebastianMTZ

Yeah, well, can go, hopefully they don’t pick it up, they’re finally rodents;)