Brauchen E-Scooter in Österreich und der Schweiz ein Kennzeichen?

Deutsche E-Scooter brauchen ein Kennzeichen. Ein Versicherungskennzeichen. Wie ist es in Österreich und der Schweiz? Brauchen die dortigen E-Scooter ein Kennzeichen? Versicherungskennzeichen?

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5 months ago

The Auto-Revue writes the following (for Austria):

Insurance: Do you need a license plate for E-Scooter?

  • For E-Scooter up to 25 km/h up to 250 Watt rated power is not a license plate or no insurance badge necessary. However, liability insurance is still advised.
  • If the design-related maximum speed is above 25 km/h or if a motor with more than 250 watt rated power is installed, such an electric scooter is defined as an engine impeller. Means: typing, insurance and admission is necessary. A driving licence of the class AM or B is therefore also mandatory. This results in a minimum age of 15 years (with a moped driver’s license), otherwise use in public transport is allowed only after another driver’s license has been included.