Brauche ich noch mehr Vitamine?
Ich bin M22 und trinke jeden Tag ein Glas Multivitaminsaft (250ml, siehe Bild) vom Edeka , sonst esse ich eigentlich nur selten Gemüse und quasi kein Obst. Fleisch esse ich häufig. Sonst Nudeln, Reis, mal Kartoffeln. Ich koche immer was anderes.
Dass das keine ausgewogene Ernährung sein kann, ist mir klar.
Die Frage die sich mir nur stellt ist, ob mir Vitamine fehlen könnten, mal abgesehen von Vitamin D.
Kennt sich da jemand aus?
I would definitely eat whole grain and whole grain noodles. there are many vitamins in there.
In rice there are very little vitamins.
With 200ml (1 glass), you have half of the daily requirement of all the vitamins mentioned there. That should be enough.
You already called Vitamin D. That seems not in there. If you are more often outside (in the sun), enough vitamin D is formed. In winter rather little. But the body can store this for weeks and months. However, other vitamins are stored only slightly or not at all, and should therefore be eaten as much as possible every day.
I would go to the doctor in your place and let me know.
In these juices, more sugar than vitamins is not useful. Eat vegetables and fruits.