Brauche ich einen Führerschein?
Ich wohne in einer Kleinstadt mit einer gut ausgebauten Infrastruktur von Bus und Bahn . Außerdem möchte ich , wenn ich im Berufsleben stehe einen Beruf machen bei dem ich mich eher im Büro/Verwaltung befinde. Was ich noch beifügen möchte ist , dass ich eigentlich auch kein Auto besitzen möchte. Deswegen die Frage benötige ich einen Führerschein, wenn ich im Berufsleben stehe?
For me, here is: have loved ones and don’t need as need and don’t have them! You’ve made a plan now, and if he gets up, you might not need one. But no one can look 20 or 30 years into the future and we are honest: when are plans going to go up? First, it’s different and second than you think.
I would always recommend a young person to make the driving licence. Better with 18 than perhaps then with 35 to be under pressure to make it as fast as possible. This will not be easier with the years and the older you get, the more driving hours you need and more expensive it becomes.
no driver’s license,
if you find a job in the immediate vicinity.
if you change why always and there the infrastructure isn’t so developed without driving licence and car a problem
But want to live in a big city later.
You might not need a car. Nevertheless, it is highly recommended to make the driving licence. This can (and will most likely) bring benefits in later life.
Which one?
I’m sure there are more advantages. But these are the ones that came to me spontaneously.
Not necessarily that depends on whether the job you want requires a driving license or not
Want to do a job in the office /administration.
You don’t necessarily need a guide
So my interest in good-paid employment will not change.
Your interests can also change fundamentally in 10 years.
Then there will still be the professions that interest me.
There will be a lot of changes in time.
But I’m going to school for 10 years.
Because I don’t want to have a car and save me the 1000-2000€.
And you definitely know that you never need a driving license in your later professional life (but also private)? Then save the money….
I have forced my son to make the driver’s license….now he’s grateful.
Not necessarily.
You have to know that yourself, but you may need one for the job.
I’m Office / Administration
Yes, it is also possible in the office to have a driving licence.