Brauche ich den Prüfbericht der Hauptuntersuchung wirklich, wenn ich …?

… ein Fahrzeug in einem anderem Bezirk ummelden will, nachdem ich es gekauft habe?

Der Verkäufer kann es nicht besorgen und in dem ungültigen Fahrzeugschein steht als Prüforganisation GTÜ, vermutlich Titisee-Neustadt drin.

Was wäre, wenn der Fahrzeugsschein verloren ginge, muß ich dann zuR HU, oder gibt die GTÜ eine Ersatzprüfbericht?

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3 years ago

Hello, you can’t say that on a flat-rate basis, it is handled differently from the agency to the agency.

However, the testing organization has stored the test in the computer and can print you a second font. If they do it for free, I can’t tell you.

3 years ago
Reply to  BVBDortmund

in the case of a cancellation Tüv and AU are irrelevant, only the stamps are removed. In the case of admission, the papers need to be returned.

The license plates are your property. May take along and hang over bed :))

3 years ago

The TÜV has already been submitted and can be retrieved by each authorisation body.

3 years ago
Reply to  BVBDortmund

Right. Sry

3 years ago
Reply to  wyooo


with us (nrw) the exams are even available online for the admission points, costs 5€ processing fee

3 years ago

for approval, the Tüv area and the exhaust gas test shall be required. AU

in the certificate of approval is a stamp & signature, GTÜ, because once try to come to a new report.

if no “vehicle certificate” is present, a new one, namely from the approval authority.

Why can’t the seller get it? KFZ is still approved? he had to work papers-lost/

3 years ago

The approval authorities shall ensure by the test report that the TÜV stamp is not counterfeit in the vehicle certificate. I think that’s pretty ridiculous, but apparently they can. You can print the report at the TÜV for expensive money.

3 years ago

The HU reports should be retrieved by the registration authorities. Because without any internet-based permission would work. A two-letter can be obtained from the testing organization.

3 years ago

If the HU report is missing, then simply ask for a second letter at the correct testing organisation.

3 years ago

With us, the ladies and gentlemen of the registration office need the Fz. data completely, including TÜV document, if one was due.