Brauche frei bis September. Wie ist das mit länger als 30 Tage unbezahlt wegen Abmeldung?
Hallo folgende Situation ich brauche ab Mitte nächster Woche bis einschließlich der ersten September Woche frei.
Ich habe noch 27 Tage Urlaub und würde dann auch einen Teil unbezahlt nehmen. Mit meinem Arbeitgeber ist dies abgesprochen und genehmigt er sagte mir aber nur ich soll beachten, dass wenn ich länger als 30 Tage unbezahlt frei mache er mich dann Sozialversicherungspflichtig ab und anmelden muss.
Beziehen die 30 Tage sich jetzt am Stück oder 30 Tage Gesamt in einem Jahr?
Ich würde es dann so machen und nächste Woche eine halbe Woche Urlaub machen, dann den gesamten Juli unbezahlt frei machen, dann den gesamten August meinen Urlaub nehmen das wären dann 22 Tage und die erste September Woche würde ich nochmal unbezahlt nehmen.
Wäre diese Konstellation so ok, dass mein Arbeitgeber mich dann NICHT abmelden muss?
Und beziehen sich diese 30 Tage auf Kalendertage oder Arbeitstage?
I’d talk to the AG.
For the 30 days, as far as I know, if you don’t get a calendar month, no contributions to the KV etc. will be paid. However, the KV must be paid every month, there is also a duty to KV. If the AG does not have to pay for the month otherwise (speak you). That’s why it’s on and off.
Personally, therefore, I would not make a month unpaid, but would look at what the AG says as a beautiful little brand. When you work Mo-Fr has about 20-23 working days a month. If you make max 15 on the piece unpaid you have paid vacation days every month and thus no calendar month without payment to the KV.
If I don’t make more than 1 month unpaid, I don’t have to pay the health insurance myself. Do I free 2 months unpaid then yes
The start and unsubscribe fun does not begin until the end of 2nd month. He’ll come as soon as you’re over the month.
Why do you want to let it go exactly to the deadline?
Just when the AG is involved, it should solve the problem. But talk to him again for sure that you don’t experience any surprises.
Ok, this mainly answers my question whether the 30 days are distributed over a year or related to the piece. So it’s just like I take a month.
Then I could also take 2 weeks vacation in July 2 weeks unpaid 2 weeks holiday 2 weeks unpaid right?
If you take the unpaid to the border, there is a risk that what goes wrong, as always when you spread borders. If you have one or two paid days in between, there is no risk.
I don’t want you to take any more unpaid than you have to. You shall use the paid to break the unpaid into smaller blocks.
Rechne how many unpaid you need and then just paid, unpaid, paid, unpaid… This does not change the number of days, but only breaks it on that you don’t get to the 30 days of the deadline.
What do you think you’re doing? I do not want to take too much unpaid, that the employer must then register me and therefore ask if the calculation would fit me like that.
Holiday refers to weekdays Mo – Fr. weekend is not expected
It is important to see whether the holiday claim is exhausted in working days or in working days. He is legally in working days and then steal the Saturdays.
Since I only work from Monday to Friday I only have to take vacation from Monday to Friday if I want to have 1 week free
It doesn’t matter how many days you work in the week, but whether the holiday entitlement exists in working days or in working days.
30 days = 30 – uninterrupted – calendar days
I’m sorry the answer is so short that I don’t understand it
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