Brauche eure hilfe 🤰?

Hallöchen an alle Mamis und die, die es werden.
Ich bin aktuell in der 9ten SSW und habe extrem mit Übelkeit und teilweise Durchfall zu kämpfen. Bei jedem Geruch und bei allem was ich esse wird mir schlecht. Hat jemand Ideen und Tipps um diese Übelkeit zu lindern ?
– Ist meine erste Schwangerschaft- werden Zwillinge.
Vielen Dank im Voraus.

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1 year ago

Hello my love 🧡

Congratulations on pregnancy!

Against nausea, I would recommend:

  • Don’t eat anything that’s too fat or too spicy for a while. Maybe it’s because…
  • Try to identify individual odors that you feel most disturbing and avoid them completely.
  • In addition, I would always eat something small – for example knäckebrot,Darvida or similar…

If you feel that every next time doesn’t change, you should talk to your doctor. He can offer you more and more specific help.

Love greetings

1 year ago

Are certain foods or smells the triggers? It may help to identify and avoid the “objectives”.


  • drink, especially tea, nothing sweetened
  • ginger in all possible forms (tea, biscuits, candies, recipe-free ginger powder from the pharmacy)
  • Relax
  • Fresh air movement
  • Take bitter substances, e.g. grapefruit, lemon, artichoke, rocket
  • avoid strong odors and their sources, or odor salt lead with them
  • Lavender oil to smell
  • soothing things like eating oats. stir cinnamon, which often helps well
  • immediately after standing up, best still in bed a slice of toastbrot, tweezer, knuckle bread slowly chew

What helps you, you have to try. The nausea often goes back after the 12th week. If it gets worse or continues to stop, the doctor must write something.