Brauche dringend psychologische Hilfe?


Ich stecke gerade, so denke ich, in einer starken emotionalen Lebenskrise und würde behaupten, dass ich eigentlich dringend Hilfe brauche. Nun hab ich nach unzähligen Panikattacken und extremen Tiefs mal gegoogelt und es ist für mich einfach erschreckend wie viel man eigentlich zahlen muss um eine gute Therapeutische Hilfe zu bekommen. Mir wurde immer wieder gesagt bei Kassenärzte soll man nicht gehen, denn da verschwendet man seine Zeit und als ich das Thema näher recherchierte, merkte ich, dass im Grunde nur das Geld im Vordergrund steht aber mir geht es hier eigentlich um meine mentale Gesundheit und das ich damit nicht meine kleine Familie kaputt mache! Ich möchte den ganzen Dreck einfach endlich endgültig hinter mir lassen. Ich will einfach nicht zu einem Therapeuten gehen, der mit meinen mentalen Problemen nur sein Geld verdient. Und der große Punkt ist, ich bin mir absolut sicher, dass ein Therapeut meine, seit Kindheit verankerten mentalen Schwierigkeiten NICHT lösen kann.

Ich habe die immer Schubweise und derzeit, seit Tagen ein großes Tief. Kann eventuell wer ein Rezeptfreies Mittel oder ein Wunderding empfehlen, wie ich diese Zeit besser überstehen kann ohne diesen Extremen innerlichen Schmerz?

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1 year ago

Now I have gogled after countless panic attacks and extreme depths and it’s just frightening for me how much you actually have to pay to get a good therapeutic help.

Good help costs money. Luckily there are psychotherapists with Cash register and then the costs – if necessary – will also be Health insurance adopted.

I was told again and again at Kassenärzte you shouldn’t go, because you waste your time

Well, I cannot share this experience personally and also professionally, I cannot confirm this statement.

His time is wasted when you wait and do nothing. Or if you go to psychotherapy, you don’t want to work.

when I researched the subject more closely, I realized that basically only the money is at the forefront

Who searches – he finds. If you are View of the negative you will eventually only see and perceive the negative. You will read all the good reports or do it directly because they are wrong anyway.

I just don’t want to go to a therapist who only earns his money with my mental problems.

In the end, the best therapist can’t help you if you have such a view. Then all the help doesn’t bring anything because you don’t give it a chance.

And the big point is, I am absolutely sure that a therapist cannot solve my mental difficulties that have been anchored since childhood.

Unfortunately, this statement also supports it again, how can anyone help you?

Change happens with you! The conversations can only cause something, bring you new thoughts, and perhaps allow you to experience new experiences. But the changes happen in you.

1 year ago

There is no such miracle remedy, neither with or without a prescription but therapeutically you can do quite a lot to alleviate or even cure it. Therapists who pay the KK are just as good or bad as those who do not pay the KK, so this statement is wrong. In addition, every therapist has to earn money with his profession as well as all people in their professions no matter which and everywhere there are good and less good, even among the therapists. Whether a therapist can help you or you don’t know that now and you can’t know where it is. A therapist could help me very well with “my” adhs, by the way, a KK-Pflichtiger. You can’t pay for it yourself for an hourly rate of more than 150 euros, and then you can pay the medis for it…I advise you.

I went with my problems to my family doctor and he then turned me over to a suitable therapist and that worked very fast with me, no idea how it is in your case, but I advise you to do it as well, make an appointment with your family doctor as soon as possible and tell him everything open and true, he certainly knows!

Some such problems can not be cured completely, but usually you can relieve them, learn better to get clear with them and also you learn to understand yourself and your whole life better in a therapy and that is always helpful. I highly recommend it to you, but it will take time and patience and a lot, much honesty towards yourself, because without honesty nothing goes better and with much love!

If you want to leave all the dirt behind you, this is for the first enough motivation to be able to do the thing, but you will need stamina and perseverance, miracles happen but even most of them need some time. Don’t look backwards! What has happened and nothing can change that, but how you see it and what meaning the happening has for you and your future life, you can change a lot but you need some help and therapists are there. They won’t solve your problems, you have to do it yourself, but they can give you a cause to draw attention to things, etc. sometimes there are seemingly small things that change a lot. When I had my first therapy lesson at the psychiatrist about 10 years ago, he says he thinks it is important to be satisfied in life and I found satisfaction somewhat stupid, something for fed Spiesser, but nothing for me, either everything or nothing, at the time my motto was when I then started to think about it…what is satisfaction really?…and I found a lot more about it and changed my mind very much…

So: phone doctor, honestly and openly discuss and throw as many of your numerous prejudices and the like on board, that certainly will not take you any further.

All the best of heart and courage and patience, patrickson 🙂

1 year ago

No. Go to the psychologist, if necessary, cash doctor.

1 year ago

They all don’t do anything and just snoop money is a total bullshit.

Find a therapist, psychiatrist, etc. and try the therapy. Also stationary. With conversations, with medicines, with sports, with group therapy etc.

There are plenty of possibilities. But you have to admit it and try it out.

That you don’t think someone can help you is one of the biggest problems in mental illnesses. You have to throw the thoughts overboard and get help – as little as you can trust. But the experts are there for that.