Brauch man zwingend einen CAN-BUS beim Subwoofer Einbau?
ich habe einen Opel Astra H Bj. 2004
das Fahrzeug hat Lenker armaturen, um z.b die musik lauter zu machen etc.
ich würde nun aber gerne ein anderes autoradio einbauen und dann dazu einen subwoofer + endstufe.
Mein Hifi-Shop meinte, ich brauche diesen Can bus adapter um meine lenkrad steuerung weiter benutzen zu können.
das Ding ist jetzt, ich brauche die knöpfe auf dem Lenkrad eh nicht. alles wichtige würde ich eh am radio einstellen.
ist dann dieser Can bus adapter wirklich nötig? oder kann ich den einfach weglassen, und muss dann halt auf meine knöpfe am lenkrad verzichten?
My wife’s Swift also had Steering WheelFB. If you don’t want to use it, you leave the adapter. We just built another radio and was good.
Okay, thanks. So this CAN-BUS adapter is really just there to continue to operate the steering wheel buttons? LG
In road traffic, an LFB is already very helpful and also serves for safety.
If you build an accident just because you are unattended by the operation of the radio, it will cost you a lot of what a CAN bus adapter costs.
I do not, of course, enter during the drive. on my steering wheel are also mainly only buttons for the radio. But I do not need that, I always put my music right before the drive so that there is no such accident.
that means if I don’t need the buttons, can I just leave this adapter?
Your decision – at least I didn’t regret spending it for such an adapter 50.
I’d like to make it reasonable
Opel Astra from 2004… Does the box already have a CAN bus?
I would check it out before
You need an adapter from the Opel-Lenkrad operation, which translates to the third-party manufacturer radio, but this is not a twin CAN bus, which had already been used before CAN bus
in my hifi type, they said I need this adapter to be able to use the foreign radio anyway via my steering wheel control. I don’t need it, because I’d rather put it right on the radio. now is the question if you can’t just leave this adapter. I never need the steering wheel
Then let him go if the adapter is too useful than to make communication with the wheel.
So I didn’t want to miss my steering wheel buttons anymore. Can leave hands on the steering wheel and find the blind