Brauch ich mir also keine Sorgen zu machen?
Mein Freund hat mir noch nicht erzählt ob er seiner Familie von mir erzählt hat oder wie sie reagiert haben denn ich weiß anfangs werden sie gegen sein aber er meint er wird eine Lösung finden
er meinte wir reden später. Hab dann am nächsten Tag gefragt ob er gerade kann, er meinte jetzt geht nicht. Hab dann gefragt zwischen uns alles gut ist. Er meinte: ja ist gut, wir reden später
hab Angst das er sich wegen Familienstreit trennt
It is important that you talk and work together a lot. Join him as you feel and find together a concrete, realistic solution that you like. I don’t think it’s good to stay silent about “we’re already finding a solution.” Work best what you can do so that you both are happy.
He was irritating no when I asked if he already did. He wanted to sleep there and was tired then he meant we’ll talk later
he was just tired or he really didn’t talk like he was
Is the question how long this was. If this is longer and the “later” has not yet taken place, I have to tell you that he doesn’t really respect you…
Okay, thanks.
But this seems to be no impulsive because he doesn’t like it when I ask when he wants to sleep
If after 3 days there has not been a clearing conversation between you, then you have to talk again. At the moment you’re totally in the air and suffering emotionally extreme. Tell him that you’re suffering. Your own partner mustn’t torment you like that. As I said, this has nothing to do with respect and appreciation.
What do you mean? I mean, the no seems impulsive at the moment
3 days but he had to do so night shift etc
But you even have to worry about it…
About your new accounts…