Brathähnchen statt suppenhuhn?
Hall8 zusammen, ich würde gerne eine hühnersuppe kochen. Habe aber nur ein tk brathähnchen da. Kann ich das auch verwenden? Ist die Zubereitung dann anders? Oder muss ich los und mir ein suppenhuhn kaufen? Danke für Rückmeldungen
Yeah, you can use a TK chicken for chicken soup. Remove the meat, cook broths with bones, add vegetables, season and return the meat. Enjoy!
Of course it doesn’t matter whether chicken or cock
Why should the preparation be different?
Okay – since it’s not an old laying hen, it seems it doesn’t have to cook for so long.
Otherwise nothing changes
If the chicken is not already pre-heated, it will go the same way. If necessary, you can also wash the wort coarsely.
However, a soup chicken is just thought to be a taster and fatter with less muscle. So the soup becomes more fleshy, but not so tasteful. If you don’t mind, you can still choke with some chicken broth.
I’m just taking chickens for my chicken soup, as a chicken is often too fat. The preparation remains the same, only the cooking time is reduced because the chicken is even faster.
Can I cook the chicken completely or disassemble it? How long does it have to cook? When goes recipe
Thank you.
I’m not breaking it until after cooking. Apply chickens with water and cook for about 45 minutes. Then take the poultry out of the pot. Clean vegetables and put them in the broth. I usually take some chicken broth from the glass. Cook vegetables about 10 minutes. Dissolve chickens from bones, cut into mouthpieces and put in broths. Ready.
Keep your skin on the chicken. You can take them off and then go on to normal.
The soup skin is also on it and it is cooked.
In soup hen but also ð
Oh, yeah, can be. I only cook fasane, and I always take it completely. Was a false conclusion from me 🙂
Wild fasans are already fat enough. Aren’t fast-drawn water chickens.
The skin is important for taste. After all, fat is flavoring. I hate chicken parts without skin 😱
It’s okay, but the more tasty chicken soup you only get with a soup chicken. LG
Well, it’ll be more spicy. Or you take off the skin and finish your soup.
No problem.
On the chicken, more meat is there, that soup chicken is a disassembled laying hen.