Brandgefahr, Akkus?

Guten Morgen,

Ich bin jetzt für circa 1,5 Wochen weg und habe es bis dato erfolgreich versemmelt, eine Lipo-Bag zu kaufen 🗿

Gestern habe ich alle Akkus auf circa 3,7 Volt (1S) entladen und würde Sie über die Zeit in die Badewanne legen.

Ist das sicher genug? Zumal über dem Badewannenboden ungefähr 2-3 Meter Platz sind.


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2 years ago

that should fit for the first and avoid worse in case of cases.
Then take care of safe storage soon.

2 years ago

It’s totally unnecessary. Lipos explode when they have been incorrectly loaded or damaged. When you put a lipo on storage voltage, it lacks the electrical energy to ignite.

2 years ago

I haven’t spent a battery in the whole years in which I have model vehicles, drones, etc.

2 years ago
Reply to  DerBayer80

This speaks for a responsible handling 👍 However, I go to Lipos, who have already survived the one or the other “accident”, probably on number.

2 years ago

I’ve got some, they’ve got a crash. 🤣 Ne now really time without crap, usually the more robust as some believe. You can’t buy the cheapest crap. Where it goes, I’ll take them in a hardcase because of the stability. Otherwise, I just got an old ammunition box for storage. You can buy cheap

2 years ago

Even if it is not highly likely, but yes:

A battery burn is possible!!

Above all, batteries that keep a high energy density in small spaces are in my eyes fire disasters that only have to enter!

My advice to you:

Get an old metal scrubber. Fill the thing with dry extinguishing sand and put the batteries in it, so that no short circuit occurs.

If a battery passes through, an exothermic reaction gains a ride which runs hot over 1000°C.

The sand would melt into glass in the worst case, the burning battery would sink into it and cut off the air supply.

2 years ago

if they’re unloaded, you’re safe on number. can also be placed on flowing floor. I’ve always been thinking, but I’ve never had a taste with one of my lips. as long as they are not ancient, full-loaded and damaged, there is nothing in that.