Brandgefahr, Akkus?
Guten Morgen,
Ich bin jetzt für circa 1,5 Wochen weg und habe es bis dato erfolgreich versemmelt, eine Lipo-Bag zu kaufen 🗿
Gestern habe ich alle Akkus auf circa 3,7 Volt (1S) entladen und würde Sie über die Zeit in die Badewanne legen.
Ist das sicher genug? Zumal über dem Badewannenboden ungefähr 2-3 Meter Platz sind.
that should fit for the first and avoid worse in case of cases.
Then take care of safe storage soon.
It’s totally unnecessary. Lipos explode when they have been incorrectly loaded or damaged. When you put a lipo on storage voltage, it lacks the electrical energy to ignite.
I haven’t spent a battery in the whole years in which I have model vehicles, drones, etc.
This speaks for a responsible handling 👍 However, I go to Lipos, who have already survived the one or the other “accident”, probably on number.
I’ve got some, they’ve got a crash. 🤣 Ne now really time without crap, usually the more robust as some believe. You can’t buy the cheapest crap. Where it goes, I’ll take them in a hardcase because of the stability. Otherwise, I just got an old ammunition box for storage. You can buy cheap
Even if it is not highly likely, but yes:
A battery burn is possible!!
Above all, batteries that keep a high energy density in small spaces are in my eyes fire disasters that only have to enter!
My advice to you:
Get an old metal scrubber. Fill the thing with dry extinguishing sand and put the batteries in it, so that no short circuit occurs.
If a battery passes through, an exothermic reaction gains a ride which runs hot over 1000°C.
The sand would melt into glass in the worst case, the burning battery would sink into it and cut off the air supply.
if they’re unloaded, you’re safe on number. can also be placed on flowing floor. I’ve always been thinking, but I’ve never had a taste with one of my lips. as long as they are not ancient, full-loaded and damaged, there is nothing in that.