brände in kalifornien. wie unterscheiden sich brandschutzvorschriften in den usa von denen in deutschland?
zum beispiel haben in amerikanischen housing areas viele häuser eine aussentreppe.
vielleicht sitzt/lebt der eine oder andere, der das liest, irgendwo in den USA
I have made a detailed comment on this.
I don’t know what the official requirements are, but in California, it’s a bit clear. All have a pool and astronomical water waste.
The rivers dry out. The groundwater sinks.
There are hardly any countermeasures and the dryness of forests, despite heat, are not carried out with irrigation (e.g. aircraft in the residential area).
A bit typical American
What does this have to do with fire protection regulations? If, then only indirectly.
Well… A forest can burn, only in the underwood, or if I never remove it, the forest burns completely, as in California. The problems have been known for a long time, only one has never taken care of it. In addition, the wooden huts…. Who’s it wondering?
And their wooden huts…. Fire load!
Absolutely. There is a picture no only house of stone survived
That looks skurril
Like in London then 1666 because they were made of wood and close next to each other. But in California, the flames hit meters.
Oh, man. I would have made my house somehow brandsicjer in such a hot environment
The only thing that often stands is the fireplace, it’s really sad.
And if you look at this – there are over 30000 houses burned down!!
Few countries have as strict regulations as Germany. I can’t say how this is in America. You should adjust the question later.