Bracket abgebrochen, Arzt hat Urlaub. Was tun?
Hey mir sind vor paar Tagen 2 Brackets von meiner festen Zahnspange abgebrochen und mein Zahnarzt hat bis zum 24.07 Urlaub. Wird das ein Problem darstellen die brackets erst so spät richten zu lassen? Außerdem bin ich einen Monat davon entfernt die feste Zahnspange raus zu bekommen.
Würde gern eure Meinung/Erfahrung dazu hören.
Hi Hi Hiiguys,
If your orthodontic is on holiday, he has a representation. Call, they’ll be on the answering machine. You go there and they’ll stick it back.
You can wait. Either the brace comes out like that or you have a few months longer the pleasure – you will see 😉
Good luck!
It’s only in two months. I have an appointment before. but unfortunately I do not find a representative. On the door : in urgent cases, visit a doctor nearby. I don’t know if this is an urgent emergency
I’ve never heard that before. What do you want with a normal doctor in the area? He’ll send you back.
There is or on the answering machine it is said: From the date to this date, in emergencies, Dr. has something, somewhere representation. Everything else is very unusual.
You can go to another dentist who gets you these brackets back
then go to the representation of your dentist
Go to the representative. Every doctor has a holiday representation.