Boxer shorts just tear very easily?
Möchte den Druck schützen wenn ich ihn wasche wie schütze ich ihn am besten?
Can I wash a white Superdry hoodie at 60 degrees if it has stains that didn't come out at 40 degrees?
So I'm a relatively young femboy who's still relatively new to this and I've been wondering where I can buy tgih-higs without being looked at strangely. Any tips?
My friend is a total idiot. He put my beloved leather jacket in the wash at 60 degrees, including fabric softener, and then put it in the dryer when I stayed over at his place after a pub crawl. I would have simply cleaned the beer stains at home with my regular cleaner and then…
Either you have to buy more high-quality underpants (not always the expensive brand jackets are also the best), or you can also buy a number bigger, maybe tear them because you or your body parts are too big.
Simply buy another quality that bosses are really good
Buy better quality and/or the right size
Then buy Tangas
Certainly big penis ..