Bowling party zum Geburtstag?

Ich werde bald 14 und möchte mit meinen Freunden bowlen gehen.

Ich habe nicht grad so viel Budget.

Wenn ich dass Bowlen bezahle.

Ist es ok wenn ich auf die Einladung nett formuliert schreibe das sie sich für essen und trinken doch bitte selbst Geld mitbringen sollen.

Sie können es mir dann geben (das genaue Budget was jeder mitbringen sollte überleg ich mir dann)

Sie geben das Geld dann mir und so bekommen alle das gleiche zum guten Preis.

(Limonade, pizza )

Deko mach ich selbst, organiesire auch alles selbst usw…

Ich kommen insgesamt ungefähr 15 Personen.

Wie ist eure Meinung dazu?

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2 years ago

That’s a nice formulation. You can ask them.

But if my girlfriend invites me to her birthday party in a bowling center, then I would assume that she will take over the costs or her parents (you are 14). If she were older, that would be different.

You could ask your parents for money if they could give you. After all, it’s your birthday party and I’d expect my mistakes to give me money for such a nice celebration. I don’t even have to ask them, but they’re still giving me the money. Because they also want me to have a nice day with my friends. Every parent is different. I can understand.

Let’s get to the point: as I said, I would find this very funny when my friend tells us: Hey people, you’re all invited to my birthday party, but everyone is supposed to bring the money for food and drink. I’m just talking for me. As others find, I can’t tell you. But I wouldn’t like it. From this principle, I wouldn’t go to her celebration.

But best to ask your parents for money. Then it’s going to work out somehow 🙂

2 years ago

You could go to the “Bottle Party” and everyone’s bringing him.