Botulismus durch Kartoffeln in Aluolie?

Hey Leute,

ich habe gerade Kartoffeln ungekocht in Alufolie eingewickelt, die Kartoffeln nach dem einwickeln mit einer Gabel eingestochen und in den Backofen gegeben. Jetzt habe ich im Internet Warnungen gelesen, das man davon eine Vergiftung durch Botulismus bekommen kann.

Soll ich die Kartoffeln nach dem backen besser wegwerfen oder kann ich sie bedenkenlos essen ?

Ich bin leider kein begabter Koch und würde mich über eure Rückmeldung freuen!

schönen Abend und eine tolle Weihnachtszeit!

LG Max

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2 months ago

Botulinus toxin is produced in the spoiling of life-medicine, but rather not in potatoes and where certainly not after a day, but mostly in meat or fish. By the way, call yourself sausage poisoning if you’ve heard the expression before.

2 months ago

I prepare potatoes similar, but without aluminum foil.

Why should the potatoes be infected with the botulinum toxin? Don’t let me go.

you can eat them without thought

2 months ago
Reply to  maxx9598

It is on some pages on the Internet. That’s why I’m insecure. LG

You can also diagnose yourself pregnant on the Internet… 🤦 ♀️

Maybe you’re working a little bit on your hypochondriac?

2 months ago
Reply to  maxx9598

Botulism occurs in foods that are incorporated or preserved. Potatoes are raw vegetables, there is not.

Why don’t you link the page, please, where it’s claimed.

1 month ago

I gave a detailed and friendly advice! more comments here completely unnecessary!

1 month ago

Look at the other questions of the questioner and you know how to do it.

It could, of course, also be a general anxiety disorder, but both would be in need of treatment. Fear is a bad counselor and makes sick!

1 month ago

Or even better: we don’t give a person who doesn’t know and asks kindly about advice on a question page, don’t give a shitty feeling for questions, do they not diagnose remotely and learn how to deal with fellow human beings without acting like an insecure primary school child? Seems to be the more appropriate advice here.

2 months ago

The aluminum foil has been produced for the preparation of food.

2 months ago

This means something different from what you’re preparing.

Then do it without aluminum (which can also not close airtight, even this is not correct) but halve it and place it on an oiled baking sheet. I always do that.


here is what is meant