Böse Schwester?
Hallo zusammen,
Ich habe zwei Schwestern, eine davon ist verheiratet und hat ein Kind 1 jahr alt, die andere ist alleinstehend und lebt mit meiner Mutter im selben Haus wie meine Brüder.
Meine verheiratete Schwester ließ ihren Sohn bei meiner Mutter und sie reiste ins Ausland Urlaub mit ihren Man und ich sprach mit meiner Mutter und es kam vor, dass ich mit ihrem Sohn sprach, ein paar Fotos von ihm machte und sie über die WhatsApp-Anwendung an die Familiengruppe schickte und drauf kommentiert auf die Bilder, dass ihr Sohn sein Mutter und sein Vater vermisst ist.
Meine andere Schwester antwortete mir und sagte, ich solle mich nicht in die Angelegenheiten des Kindes einmischen und keine Bilder vom Kind meiner Schwester veröffentlichen, da das Kind meiner Schwester nicht bei mir ist, sondern im Haus meiner Mutter lebe.
Ich fragte seine Schwester, warum sie wütend sei? Sie antwortete mir, dass ich ins Ausland reise und mich nicht in die Angelegenheiten des Hauses einmischen würde.
Wie kann ich in einer solchen Situation handeln? Soll ich die WhatsApp-Gruppe verlassen, weil die beiden Schwestern kein Wort und keine Nachricht von mir annehmen oder akzeptieren? und immer wenn ich in Familiegruppe was schrieb dann kam eine unhöffentliche Antwort von beiden schwester drauf.
kann es sein, dass ich meine schwester mich nicht mehr lieben weil ich schon 9 jahre in Ausland bin oder es ist so normal ?
vielen Dank
Child photos should not be easy to do or post. You have to respect that.
We are a family, and there is no stranger that you can photograph or have been photographed, and these are family photos, not for the press. What is wrong with photographing a child from the children of the family?
That’s the problem. The greatest danger for the kidnappers is lurking in the family, or in the near circle of acquaintances. In the PResse, it would be the least problem…
The child has the right not to be photographed
It is not okay to photograph the children of others (family as well) without permission of parents. And it’s not okay to send the photos even further. Just WhatsApp is not a secure platform. And then you commented on the photos inappropriately. Yeah, what exactly do you expect now?
How was that inappropriately commented?
Because it’s your interpretation. A one-year-old doesn’t have the vocabulary to say “I miss Mama”. So you don’t know if it’s true. And what exactly do you want to express with the message? You’re not the child’s language tube, I just told you that you couldn’t forward a message from him, but only your own interpretation. So, what exactly are you supposed to do with that message? A) Have a bad conscience because they leave their child alone? This makes the holiday the same. B) Based on the fact that the mother (and you) cannot adequately distract the child and employ that it has to “simplify” unsightly feelings. This does not make you feel better on holiday.
It is – as I also turn it and turn it – no comment with which parents can feel good.
Yeah, I just noticed you’re not the questioner. I will not rewrite this now. I think the content remains understandable.
But you shouldn’t just send pictures I personally found this in our family but also never problematic and no one has complained yet and with us in the family you assume that this is ok and that has always been the photos have not been officially sent to strange contacts. But normally you can also know from experience whether the parents will have a problem with it and if they don’t know then it’s vague. Unfortunately, just keep in mind that they have too little contact with each other… I just missed my sister from that moment when she moved out of my parents’ house… but this is always different connections that you have together.
I hope I didn’t know that I thought the child was very young and maybe not think so, but if someone writes to me or write to someone that it was missing the parents while I was sending a picture of the child (where I think the child looks happy) I also sometimes write to my parents that I miss them but still remain where I am and stay there longer and do not necessarily have to go back to my parents.
I just don’t think she meant bad about it. Of course, you can see that differently I had only not checked what you meant as being written:
And then you commented on the photos inappropriately
Because I just didn’t know what was meant at the moment