BOS-Digitalfunk Status bei sanitätsdiensten?
ich habe morgen einen sanitätsdienst auf einem weihnachtsmarkt und bin dort fürs funken zuständig. meine frage ist nur inwiefern man dort anders funkt wie wenn man mit einem rtw bzw ktw unterwegs ist. wenn ich zb beim ktw zu einem einsatz fahr drück ich ja status 3 und wenn ich angekommen bin status 4. sobald ich dann den patienten im wagen hab bin ich im status 7. aber wie läuft das dann beim sanitätsdienst ab? wenn jetzt zb jemand zu mir kommt weil auf dem weihnachtsmarkt zb eine bewusstlose person liegt was drück ich dann für nen status auf dem hrt? drück ich dann status 3 wenn ich zum patienten lauf und dann status 4 wenn ich beim patienten bin? könnt ihr mir vielleicht genau erklären was ich da dann für nen status in der jeweiligen situation drücke? ich hab angst dass ich dann etwas falsch mache. eigentlich fühl ich mich ziemlich sicher beim funken aber bei nem sandienst bei dem ich meistens zu fuß mit meinen kollegen unterwegs bin bin ich mir noch etwas unsicher wie man da wann welche status drückt
Simpel: No one. In the “station radio” – as is usually the case in the sanity service – simply verbal radio.
There are no one, which can evaluate the status.
In addition, the problem comes: in the San service Vehicle-bound HRTs used. Means: if the programming allows, you can wildly press any status for the respective vehicle and in the worst case throw it out of the applied use.
In this case one can assume that a leadership is on site – i.d.R. Group leader. And this is the first time Single copywith which you need to spark.
In such a case it is not only “not necessary” but simply not allowed to spark directly with the control center – the communication with the control center runs over the responsible management force.
at the sanitation, I have to spark directly with the leitstelle. that is so in our hiorg
and we have no group leader. how are there only 3
Okay, so I just made myself too much head. the plan is that you should log in to the ils and be accessible. so, thanks 😀
Service instructions must be so specific that they are unambiguous – means: if you write “funks”, the “What?” and “How” stand in. Otherwise, it is sense-free.
Whether a foot group just slips somewhere, the control center – frankly – doesn’t care about the bean. In the system it is not stored anyway and the info has no consequence (except that the radio is blocked).
Conversely, the control centre is of particular interest four Things at medical services:
All this works in case of doubt about wire as well.
Personal opinion: If such things are unclear, one should urgently approach the relevant management forces and ensure clarification. “When, how and with whom I am fun” are absolute organizational basics of the sanity service and the secure mastery is quite a prerequisite for sending helpers to services.
The group leader can also be replaced by “responsibility partner of the organizer”, “responsible” or “the one who has the hat”.
In short: Simply broadcast
Lang: Communication is important on a medical service. It is also important to learn the spark beforehand. If you use BOS radio, you can simply sound normally and don’t pass the status in the form of numbers, but pass through what’s up. Also think about the radiodisciplines and keep you short.
As a rule, no status is sent at all on the HRT. Most HRTs are not programmed in any case that this is possible.
Status only make sense when there is a control center that can also evaluate. It’s not the case with the San service.
So just spark in plain text.
at the sanity service here I got the clear instruction to always get to the point to spark. we are also the only sanity in front of location so there is no one else with whom we can spark one another
The thoughts you’re doing here are unnecessary business.
You’re not doing anything wrong if you report to the central office orally what’s going on. The status can be reported orally and/or by pressing a button.