Bordkarte nach online Check-in nicht erhalten?
ich fliege morgen mit Condor in die USA und habe jetzt am Vorabend den online check-in gemacht. (Condor website)
Bin eigentlich davon ausgegangen, dass ich anschließend die Bordkarten zugesendet bekomme, was allerdings nicht der Fall ist.
Nun lese ich nur, dass meine Reiseunterlagen am Check-in Schalter vom FRA vom Personal geprüft werden müssen & ich danach erst die Bordkarten ausgehändigt bekomme.
Habe ich beim online Check-in etwas falsch eingegeben und es muss deshalb nochmal geprüft werden oder ist das ganz normal?
Am Ende stand auf jeden Fall, dass ich nun eingecheckt sei…
*ESTA &co hab ich alles
(sorry, falls die Frage dumm ist aber ich fliege das erste mal alleine und hab kein Plan)
No, you didn’t do anything wrong. In the United States flights is the gear and you have to check the esta or visa again.
Okay, then I know, thank you
Wrong. I flew to the USA. Online checkin and finished. And everything is checked by the people of the TSA, in the safe heif area or even directly at the gate, the check passports and match the data of the Esta. I never had to go to the Cbeck In. Dropping suitcases is also automated.
Even with your beloved LH:
“The mobile boarding pass is available for almost all Lufthansa destinations. In exceptional cases, however, it is possible that no mobile boarding card can be issued due to regulatory requirements. In this case you will only receive a check-in confirmation. Your boarding pass is then handed out at the airport desk”
I’m in the usa every year. And nu? As I said, your chorus doesn’t get you here.
Not wrong 🙂 Do you obviously see the question, ne? See also the other answers here, why don’t you come there?
It can always happen. Just see that you’re in time at the airport. I assume that you’ve got a job baggage and have to go to the switch or something, so no big deal.
All right
Yes, this is mandatory for all flights to the USA. These flights are subject to special safety regulations.
Therefore, boarding cards are not issued without examination. Even a second test can be possible.