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5 months ago

Of course, they can feel feelings for fellow humans. They usually feel emotions much stronger so they can also perceive feelings more strongly.

Borderliners often lead a stronger self-hate, which can show in self-destructive behavior. The self-hate also creates difficult relationships.

5 months ago

The Netherlands is not always the same. It’s an up and down of feelings. Sometimes they feel really good sometimes really bad. Sometimes they love each other and sometimes they hate each other just like that and sometimes they love others. Some say they can’t love anyone…

5 months ago

So I can only talk about myself now, so I say so I often hate myself that I have this disease because it blocks my ways and goals and puts me stones in the way it makes people comprehend it and accept me. It’s difficult for me to have relationships alone. Accepting this disease is difficult, I can only talk of myself every Borderliner is different and feels different and different.