Borderline und Ecstasy Konsum?

Hey Leute,

ich hab Borderline. Letzte Woche Donnerstag hatte ich Ecstasy konsumiert, und bis auf körperliche Nebenwirkungen hatte ich eigentlich gar keine. Das hat mich sehr überrascht denn meine Schwester hatte mir von einer Krassen Downphase danach erzählt.

Die ersten paar Tage danach waren auch okay aber nun geht es mir richtig dreckig. Es ist dieses Typische „Borderline Down“ mit Gefühlen der Hoffnungslosigkeit.

Ich habe furchtbare Albträume und bin den ganzen Tag müde und habe auch vermehrt suizidgedanken. Ich habe fast ausschließlich mehr suizidgedanken und fühle mich gestresst.

Ich hab letztes Jahr im August mit Therapie angefangen und seid dem große Fortschritte gemacht und kenne diese downs fast nur noch aus meiner Anfangsphase.

Ich weiß es war meine Schuld und definitiv keine kluge Entscheidung aber hat irgendjemand einen Rat was ich machen kann oder ob das überhaupt jemals wieder weg geht? Ist jetzt jeglicher Therapiefortschritt verloren und werde ich mich für immer so fühlen ??

Hat irgendwer mit Borderline auch mal konsumiert und kann mir sagen wie sich das entwickelt.

Ich bin dankbar für jeden ernst gemeinten Rat den mittlerweile weiß ich nicht mehr weiter

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Please talk to professionals about it. Drug use is not prohibited, you can talk about it.

“Help for mental problems: You can contact these places”,

Good luck!

2 years ago

I think if your serotonin household has recovered again, it will be.

And in the future, I would say fingers away from it because upper drugs and mental illnesses are not good.

If you are in acute danger of committing suicide, please let in.

Good luck 🍀

2 years ago

Yes, let them introduce you to the psychiatry and let you treat. I don’t understand why you have to take such chemical drugs at all and then not really when you’re mentally beaten.

2 years ago
Reply to  RainOne101

Because it’s fun. That’s the reason.

Apart from that, all drugs are chemical. You mean synthetic. I do not understand why the origin of the active substance must always be highlighted.

To the organism it is Wumpe whether the substance is natural, fully synthetic or semi-synthetic.

2 years ago
Reply to  FloraFinia17

Because it makes fun, so many have already shot the psyche because it makes fun. There is also a life away from “pass”. And as you need your psyche to come through life, you start work.

A friend of mine has brought him to the psychiatry because he was constantly on these Goa festivals and has thrown mushrooms, LSD and Ecstasy. The guy is now through and a completely different person.

And if someone’s mentally hit, you don’t have to take anything like that. You can also inquire about a substance before you clean up everything. Just because you might have good experiences with it doesn’t mean it’s the same for others. Especially not mentally ill.

You don’t need to put it on the gold scale with chemical drugs you know what’s meant.

2 years ago

No one has claimed that various substances cannot pose a risk to mental health.

The question was why people take drugs. And the answer is because it’s fun. The yet is associated with risks, no one denies.

because he is constantly

Then it’s not surprising.

And if someone’s mentally hit, you don’t have to take anything like that.

I agree.

You can also inquire about a substance before you clean up everything.

You should definitely. Unfortunately, this is far too few. A lot more education should be done on drugs. It’s just incomprehensible how a ban should lead us to talk.