Borderline Grund für Arbeitsunfähigkeit?
Wenn ich Borderline hätte könnte das als Grund zählen arbeitslos zu sein und Bürger geld zu kriegen
Wenn ich Borderline hätte könnte das als Grund zählen arbeitslos zu sein und Bürger geld zu kriegen
Hallo ich bin W14 und hab seid langen diese Gedanken das ich vergewaltigt werden will bitte verstehet mich nicht falsch ich weiß eigentlich wie grausam sowas sein kann aber mein Gehirn sagt einfach dass die ganze Zeit ich weiß nicht was es bedeutet ob das ein Art Störung ist oder das ich einfach Psychotherapie brauche…
Bin so Kind of sportspchtig. Bin jetzt für paar Tage bei Freunden, kann dort nicht genug Sport machen, was tun? sie dürfen es nd erfahren dass ich so viel Sport mache da ich eigentlich ein Verbot habe (wegen meiner Essstörung. deswfen freue ich mich über Tipps wie ich damit besser umgehen kann, oder was ich…
Hallo ich M14 habe seit 3Monaten suicid gedanken soll ich mir hilfe hohlen? Was kann ich tun?
So wie ich es kaum tuhe,weil es nicht geht.
Hallo ich 15w habe schon länger schulangst aber meisten ging es dan wen ich inder Schule war nun hab ich aber Panikattacken zu dem das Gefühl von Übelkeit und Angst sich zu übergeben. Wir haben momentan Ferien. Nun denke ich aber schon an die Schule da ich mir sehr sicher bin dass ich es nicht…
Yes, unfortunately there are still far too little therapy offers and too little education, which means that many Borderline cheats get into unemployment or incapacity because they do not manage to work.
But that’s not a reason.
Borderline should rather be an impulse to go into therapy and work on it. We’re working to leave it behind so we can get better.
Because even with Borderline you can live the life you really want. You can leave Borderline behind and overcome.
That I really want is hard and tricky
you’re right but I don’t care
ok – obviously you have a rejection against “work” – but who says the work is wasted time? How would you find a job that makes you fun – where you like to do the things you like and make money with it?
to find out what is fun and who is actually – which is relatively heavy when you are constantly stunned – but yes is really fun – to live your life self-determined and happy – without dependency (from the state, drugs, circumstances) ..
Ne I just see it as ridiculous to work every day 8h because I prefer to spend my time with leisure and make great things with my friends. The ciffing is of course also a great part of the fact that it is an attempt to feel your own pain nichz is only half true, it is a relaxed activity
how does this make you live your being? Kiffen is always trying not to feel your own pain, which is, of course, completely legetim – but just a little bit if life is only avoided;-)
No, after a marathon of a doctor’s visit and prepared advice on your condition, it might happen that you will receive a disability pension.
Only if this is not sufficient can there be an increase in social benefits.
If your partner /Living companion / earns net in more than 1500 €, you won’t get anything.
You need to be available to the labour market to receive performance.
This is not enough for the EM pension.
In the event of an incapacity of work, there is no civil money.
You should go to the street or what
In this case, you apply to the pension insurance agency for an application for a disability pension.
Citizens’ money is the successor to Hartz4, and that was only the case for employability.
ok and now
Such intentions are partly the reason that mental disorders are increasingly less and less recognized as incapacity to work.
Great. It’s a sniper.
From your taxes I get Lsd and staring in the stars then I have more fun than you will ever have in your miserable working life
LG, Flyinguwe
I had no miserable working life and I didn’t have to take drugs like you.
Acker quiet your 8 hours off at me goes end party from college 🤙
In order to get citizens’ money, you must be able to work.
Then hold hard 4 or so
Resin 4 no longer exists since the introduction of public money. If you’re incapable of work because of a disease, you’ll get sick pay first and then eventually after 1.5 years or so when it expires and you’re still incapable of work, then you can apply for a reduction pension.
thanks for the info bre
I don’t know, but that’s the way you’re getting money on a long-term incapacity. But it’s usually less than you get in the money.
tamam can be done with borderline easY?
If the BPS is so affected. But look after a troll
I would never troll that is inappropriate and wrong on an important source of information like
Sounds like irony.
That’s what you think
I think so.